As an avid podcast listener, I always thought it would be kind of fun to start my own show. But, all the what-ifs always kept me from taking the plunge.

While attending Leverage, I overheard a conversation with a couple of gals who were in the podcast world, so I moved a little closer to listen in on their conversation. After speaking with them for a while, my curiosity was officially piqued and all of the what-ifs in my brain began to turn into can-dos.

On the last day of Leverage I sat down with Kathi, and together we made a list of goals for my speaking career. On the top of that list was to download her video tutorial called “7 Days to a Published Podcast.” Within a few weeks of Leverage, I started watching the videos and began learning every detail that I would need to launch a successful podcast. With my new podcasting knowledge, along with the connections that I made at Leverage, I now had the confidence and tools I needed to launch and publish our first show.

My husband and I are now seven episodes into our marriage podcast and we are enjoying every minute of it. We get to work together on something that we are both passionate about, while at the same time, feel like we are helping and encouraging couples in places that we never thought we would reach.

We have received many messages from married and engaged couples who enjoy listening and feel like they receive usable communication tools to takeaway from each episode.

The knowledge and connections I took away from Leverage are priceless. Yet, the confidence in knowing that Kathi and Roger, my coaches, and the other attendees of Leverage are all rooting for me to succeed is everything I needed to launch my podcast, my next dream.

Christina is an author, speaker and podcaster. She is also a wife, and mama to six amazing kids. She is always ready and willing to say “yes” to God’s next assignment as long as it involves caffeine and deep conversations.



Calling all speakers (even if you just want to be)!

The conference of the year is right around the corner and you need to be there. Leverage, The Speaker Conference, is designed to be laser-beam focused on helping you master each component needed to be a compelling speaker. We’ll work with you perfect, practice and perform your craft through keynote mentor sessions, breakout sessions, and coaching sessions that include constructive feedback and personal attention.

Do not wait for another year to go by. Click here for all the details and to register today.

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