Jan 14, 2019 | Audience, Platform, Podcast
Kathi and Michele talk about something that is so important to all of us; finding your niche. It’s hard to narrow down our message from just wanting to help “everyone” to something very specific that we want to speak into the lives of others.Kathi...
Oct 16, 2018 | Audience, Author Tips, Recommendations
In keeping with this month’s focus on “getting things done,” let’s talk about how to handle email. Have you noticed that the inbox is reaching crisis proportions? The ease of email causes people to be careless about how they use it. It’s SO easy to dash off an...
May 16, 2018 | Audience, Recommendations, Speaker Tips
“My problem is that all of my topics are so negative.” I was at the StoryBrand Workshop, trying to explain to Donald Miller why his marketing methods wouldn’t work for me. Ignoring my baditude, he smiled — the kind of smile you give when you’re trying to be...
Apr 30, 2018 | Audience, Podcast, Social Media
Kathi and Michele talk about your email lists and how to protect them, what to send them, and who to share them with. Michele suggests knowing yourself and knowing your people as two ways to take care of your audience every single day. Knowing what your audience has...
Apr 18, 2018 | Audience, Author Tips, Recommendations
I used to hate book proposals. They felt like such a colossal waste of time—especially when all I wanted to do was write! But over the last year, I’ve had a complete change of heart. In the process of helping clients create strong book proposals, as well as developing...
Mar 28, 2018 | Audience, Platform, Speaker Tips
I get so excited and feel honored whenever a group of women ask me to speak at one of their meetings. It might be a presentation at a Mothers of Preschoolers’ (MOPS) meeting or leading a conversation at a Junior League meeting. Both might ask me to share the same...