Apr 25, 2018 | Creativity, Recommendations, Writing
I was wondering… Would it be okay… What do you think… Could I please… A lot of phrases in my mind start out like this. I hear them often in conversations between my head and my heart. And they keep me stuck. Waiting for permission. It is like I am waiting for a...
Feb 14, 2018 | Author Tips, Creativity, Writing
The blog post is due. The article needs to be written. The speaking event is in a couple of weeks and you’ve got nothing. Zip, nada, zero. Everything is bleak and there’s no hope in the world. Isn’t it amazing how you can have a million ideas all at the same time...
Aug 25, 2017 | Creativity
We’ve all heard that “Deadlines are the enemy of creativity.” Yet we have deadlines, and we want to be creative. How do we walk that particular tight-rope? Not too long ago I needed to pull together a proposal for my High-Tech employer that I knew would be a bit...
Jul 26, 2017 | Creativity, Recommendations, Writing
God’s given you a powerful story to tell, but there’s a catch: it’s not your story. Perhaps it is the saga of a spouse, parent, grandparent or someone else close to you. I am a professional teller of other people’s stories. In my marketing career I help clients...
Jul 10, 2017 | Author Tips, Creativity, Podcast, Speaker Tips, Tell Your Story
Listen In Do you have a story to tell? Have you had some experiences that have forever shaped your life and your speaking ministry? In this episode, hosts and experienced communicators, Kathi Lipp and Michele Cushatt provide insight on how best to avoid being...
Jun 21, 2017 | Creativity, Marketing, Memoir, Platform, Tell Your Story
“Share your story!” is a popular buzz phrase for communicators these days. This push for authenticity can leave us, as writers and speakers, uncertain about how much is too much, too little, or just right to share with our audiences. During her...