Oct 18, 2021 | Events, Leadership, Podcast, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Maybe you’ve dreamed of getting a group of writerly friends together and spending a weekend away dedicated to your craft. Or perhaps you’re an experienced writer who would like to encourage other writers along the way. Several years ago, Kathi...
Aug 5, 2019 | Audience, Business, Communicator Academy, Events, Marketing, Partnering, Platform, Podcast, Speaker Tips
Welcome back to part two with Amy Carroll, author of Exhale, on how to maximize your return on investment for speaking at events. Kathi, Michele and Amy shares some “deal-breakers” for accepting speaking opportunities and how to know when it is okay say...
Jul 29, 2019 | Business, Communicator Academy, Events, Marketing, Platform, Podcast, Speaker Tips
Welcome to a two part series with Amy Carroll on how to maximize your return on investment for events. Kathi shares how when your work is determined by a dollar, it changes everything. As christian communicators, we need to have a higher price on our communication,...
Jul 22, 2019 | Author Tips, Business, Communicator Academy, Events, Podcast, Speaker Tips
Welcome back as Kathi and Michele continue the series on The Organized Communicator. Today they are talking about 5 important things to clarify as they discuss event communication. Learn how having these 5 questions as a goal has helped Kathi immensely in event...
Jul 15, 2019 | Author Tips, Business, Communicator Academy, Events, Podcast, Speaker Tips
From spice racks to speaking engagements, Kathi and Michele dive into the importance of an organized communicator plan!Kathi has created a system that makes a huge difference in her life. Today she shares just the tip of the iceberg of her organized plans. Keep...
May 27, 2019 | Business, Communicator Academy, Comparison, Events, Leadership, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Story
Communicator Academy podcast is partnering with two sponsors today who help encourage and equip women in leadership!MOPS is committed to provide opportunities for women to learn, lead and do things that push women out of their comfort zones in all the best ways. No...