Apr 22, 2019 | Business, Communicator Academy, Events, Podcast, Speaker Tips
Kathi and Michele discuss how to determine what to charge for a speaking engagement. Ultimately only you can determine what you need to charge. There are some speaking engagements that won’t pay you very much that you will do and some that promise to pay a lot...
Oct 11, 2018 | Communicator Academy, Events, Pursuing Your Dreams
Leverage Coaches: The Secret Sauce to your Upcoming Conference and Business Success Are you considering investing in your work as a speaker and a writer by attending Leverage: The Speaker Conference? There are countless reasons why Leverage is a worthwhile...
Mar 7, 2018 | Events, Speaker Tips
In order to get ready for a workshop I was teaching, I asked speaker friends to share creative ideas for adding value to our events. I got great feedback from them, but something was missing. Suddenly I realized I hadn’t tapped into an important group for the...