Mar 18, 2019 | Author Tips, Communicator Academy, Creativity, Overwhelmed, Personal Life, Podcast, Speaker Tips
Welcome back to Part 2 of The One Strategy That Will Completely Tame Your To Do List. Kathi and Michele share more reasons why using your calendar as your to do list will change your life. Find out more ways how your calendar will keep your head above water, while...
Mar 11, 2019 | Communicator Academy, Overwhelmed, Personal Life, Podcast
Do you use a calendar and a to do list?Does your to do list take up two pages like Michele? The chronic feeling of failure and physical exhaustion when there is not enough time to complete your list can be overwhelming.Kathi and Michele share The One Strategy that...
Jan 28, 2019 | Personal Life, Platform, Podcast
Kathi and Michele share 6 ways to meet a deadline. Home remodel, DIY, and other commitments can make a deadline seem “extra” impossible. Today you will learn how to work to make any deadline possible. Kathi and Michele share their crazy home remodel...
Dec 17, 2018 | Communicator Academy, Personal Life, Podcast, Recommendations
Join Kathi and Michele as they sit down for today’s podcast to talk about the 3 relationships we need as communicators. Michele goes in to detail about what these relationships are, who the ideal partner is for this type of relationship, and why we need...
Nov 7, 2018 | Overwhelmed, Personal Life, Recommendations
Ah, the holiday season. I have to admit, I absolutely love this time of year. I’m crazy about everything from Christmas to New Years, especially the beauty of the Christmas season. But the holidays can lead to frustration when we’re trying to continue our...
Apr 2, 2018 | Communicator Academy, Overwhelmed, Personal Life, Podcast
In this episode, Kathi and Michele talk about how to tame your email inbox. They offer 7 simple tips to get you organized and ready to start each week feeling more in control of what’s coming in and what’s going out from your email account. Michele talks...