Jun 19, 2017 | Audience, Marketing, Platform, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Recommendations, Speaker Tips, Tell Your Story
Listen In Feeling called to speak but don’t know where to begin? In this Communicator Academy episode, Kathi and Michele guide you through the groundwork that needs to be laid to establish and kickoff a successful speaking career. Come learn how to connect your assets...
May 31, 2017 | Pursuing Your Dreams
“I keep asking God, ‘Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it’!” My friend Lynn* has devoted years to following God’s call on her life. But now, she’s at a crossroads. “I’ve been crying out to God for...
May 8, 2017 | Creativity, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Speaker Tips
Listen In Do you consider yourself to be a creative person? Do you struggle with creating blog posts, material for talks, or even recipes for dinner? In this amazing episode, Communicator and author Bob Stromberg, joins hosts Kathi Lipp and Michele Cushatt and cheers...
Apr 5, 2017 | Pursuing Your Dreams
I met Kathi at Mount Hermon Writers Conference last year while attending the intensive, pre-conference Platform Clinic. At the end of the week, I left with aspirations as high as the redwood trees. In her printed materials for the clinic, she gave us pages to write...
Feb 27, 2017 | Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams
Listen In Waiting is often a painful enterprise. Watching others gain the success and platform you desire tests the strongest faith. Especially when you know God has given you a message to share. Wendy Pope, author known for life change through her in-depth Bible...
Feb 13, 2017 | Overwhelmed, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Tell Your Story
Listen In In this episode, successful authors and speakers Michele Cushatt and Kathi Lipp talk to Cheri Gregory, Christian communicator and co-author of the newly-released “Overwhelmed.” Kathi and Cheri share insight from their book, personal stories,...