Feb 6, 2017 | Platform, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Tell Your Story
Listen In In this episode, Kathi Lipp and Michele Cushatt discuss the trappings communicators often fall into in the area of identity. Between Amazon rankings, ticket sales at your events and followers on Facebook, it can be so difficult to be rooted in our true...
Jan 25, 2017 | Pursuing Your Dreams, Speaker Tips
When Leverage boasts that it is “the speaker conference for you,” they mean every word of that statement. I have never attended a conference in which I felt sincerely cared for by each of the speakers and my amazing coach. Leverage changed my ministry by...
Jan 17, 2017 | Pursuing Your Dreams, Speaker Tips
I packed my bag and jumped in my car for the six-hour drive to the Leverage conference. I love long drives because it gives me time to think, and I had plenty on my mind at this point in my career. As a professional comedian and television host, I have enjoyed an...
Jan 16, 2017 | Leadership, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams
Listen In In the second part of this series, Kathi and Michele dig into more of their great resources for having the right people on your team to keep things moving forward in your business. This episode is full of practical information for when to hire someone, what...
Jan 9, 2017 | Leadership, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams
Listen In In this valuable two-part episode, authors and speakers, Kathi Lipp and Michele Cushatt, both discuss the need for a team and provide various ways to gather such support on a shoestring budget. Building a business can be tough and having the right people on...
Jan 4, 2017 | Blog, Pursuing Your Dreams
by Greg Hurley I attended Leverage because I want to be the keynote speaker God created me to be. Living in the Bay Area, my calling is to encourage Bay Area Christians to live as God intended, in the areas of calendar, cash and calling. Three areas we all tend to get...