Aug 22, 2019 | Business, Pursuing Your Dreams, Writing
My husband glanced at me through the review mirror. “I’m going to go ahead and stop for gas.” “Are we already empty?” I asked from the back seat. We were only four hours into a thirteen-hour road trip. Like so many families do in July, we had loaded up our kids...
Jun 24, 2019 | Author Tips, Book Launch, Communicator Academy, Marketing, Memoir Writing, Platform, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Writing
Welcome back for part 2 of How to Know You are Ready for an Agent. Live on location at the West Coast Writer’s Conference, Kathi and Michele are joined by Janet Grant and Wendy Lawton of Books & Such Literary Agency. Sparks are flying, the doors are...
Jun 17, 2019 | Author Tips, Book Launch, Business, Communicator Academy, Marketing, Platform, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Story, Writing
Welcome! Live on location at the West Coast Writer’s Conference, Kathi and Michele are joined by Janet Grant and Wendy Lawton of Books & Such Literary Agency. Are you a writer wanting to dip your toes into the world of publishing? Just starting or writers...
Jun 10, 2019 | Author Tips, Book Launch, Business, Communicator Academy, Marketing, Platform, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Self Publishing, Story, Tell Your Story, Writing
Welcome back for Part 2 of DIY Publishing Kathi and Michele continue the conversation with author and speaker, Sarah Beckman. Sarah shares her experience on costs associated with the hybrid publishing model. What to consider, the realities, and areas to consider in...
May 27, 2019 | Business, Communicator Academy, Comparison, Events, Leadership, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Story
Communicator Academy podcast is partnering with two sponsors today who help encourage and equip women in leadership!MOPS is committed to provide opportunities for women to learn, lead and do things that push women out of their comfort zones in all the best ways. No...
Jan 21, 2019 | Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Recommendations
Welcome back! Thank you for joining us in part 2 of “Finding Your Niche” with Kathi Lipp and Michele Cushatt. Last week you learned why it’s important to find your niche and today you’ll learn how to find it. Kathi shares two very specific...