Nov 22, 2016 | Blog, Tell Your Story, Writing
By Susy Flory I have 500 words to tell you everything I know about writing a good memoir. Here goes—these are my Cliff’s Notes learned the hard way over the course of writing eight memoirs (one for me and seven with other people). 1. A good memoir requires GREAT...
Nov 21, 2016 | Podcast, Speaker Tips, Tell Your Story
Listen In The secrets of a strong opening can elevate your entire presentation. The opening portion (commonly known as “the opener”) of a talk can be daunting. It sets you up for success and sets the stage for the driving point of your entire talk. In this...
Nov 11, 2016 | Blog, Platform, Tell Your Story
As Christian writers and speakers, it’s vital that we monitor our motives and notice the need of our audience. We must regularly ask ourselves: Why do I step up to a microphone in front of an audience to deliver a spoken message? Why do I spend hours at the...
Nov 9, 2016 | Blog, Tell Your Story, Writing
“Share your story!” is a popular buzz phrase for communicators these days. This push for authenticity can leave us, as writers and speakers, uncertain about how much is too much, too little, or just right to share with our audiences. During her...
Nov 7, 2016 | Podcast, Tell Your Story, Writing
Listen In To Wait or to Write In this insightful episode, Kathi Lipp and Michele Cushatt uncover the fine line between sharing one’s story out of authenticity and desperation. They provide biblical insight and perspective on how to best discern when to tell your...
Oct 31, 2016 | Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Tell Your Story, Writing
Listen In There is most certainly an art to writing memoir. Memoirs are one of our favorite genres at Communicator Academy but one of the most difficult to write (well). This week’s guest, author and speaker Susy Flory, joins us and gives us her best tips and...