Registration will open soon. Be the first to know by adding your name to the interest list. You’ll get an email a few days before we announce registration publicly for your chance for a spot before the general public. 


Ever felt lost in the conference crowd?

Best-selling author and national speaker Kathi Lipp knows that feeling all too well. While large conferences are jam-packed with information and inspiration, it’s easy to feel lost in the crowd. And that means you miss out on the one-on-one attention you need to realize your potential.

That personal attention is exactly why attendees love Leverage: The Speaker Conference.


Leverage: The Speaker Conference for YOU 

  • Get personalized feedback that will take your message to the next level…
  • Become referable to event planners…
  • Work in a smaller setting so you can really focus on your message with input from industry experts
  • Take your speaking from a passion to becoming a professional… 
  • Learn and be mentored from professionals that care about your career.

Leverage is the speaker conference that you need.

Other conferences charge as much as $2500 with half the attention you get at Leverage. We want you to leave with real action steps, personalized feedback, and a clear vision.  We have made Leverage the “safest place to do the scariest thing.”

BONUS: Each attendee receives a one-on-one marketing consultation with one of our coaches.

What Attendees are Saying

Bethany Howard

Bethany Howard

“Leverage was so much more than I anticipated. I left Leverage filled, challenged, educated and motivated by my fellow attendees and our leaders. The knowledge shared at Leverage and the humility with which it was shared, made this the best conference I have attended. It was invigorating to be surrounded by creative people, each pursuing their own personal craft, and yet genuinely wanting to see you succeed. I’ve never experienced anything like it before.

~ Bethany Howard, Leverage Conference Attendee

Julie Landreth

Julie Landreth

“What I love about Leverage was that they, the team, the mentors (coaches), the caliber of attendees created a safe place to practice, learn, explore, and discuss your person as a speaker & communicator. There a wealth of knowledge of learning and tools and application And I love how Kathi and her team truly want to help and share their knowledge to help you succeed. I highly recommend this conference if you want to grow in a space of love, learn a wealth of knowledge of your craft.”

~ Julie Landreth,  Speaker & Author

Chris Moss

Chris Moss

“In a word, structure. Technique, deliver, definition. Okay, so I needed more than one simple word. All these things were lavished on us with love, encouragement, and kindness. I build life-long friendships—at least I’m committed like that. If you are thinking about training for your calling as a speaker, this is a small, focused, intense education that will direct and confirm your giftedness.

~ Chris Moss, Blogger, Author & Speaker

Christina Lang

Christina Lang

“Before the conference, we were asked to fill out a questionnaire, answering a few questions about ourselves. The last question that was asked was “What is your greatest fear coming in to Leverage?” My answer was, “I am scared that someone will tell me that I have missed my calling and that I need to choose something else for my life.” The confirmation of my calling will forever change the spirit in which I face my fear. I feel educated, empowered, and officially given permission to move forward in confidence!”

~ Christina Lang, Author of ExtraOrdinary: When Ordinary People Say “Yes” to an Extraordinary God, Host of I Choose You Podcast, and Speaker

Rachel Lewis

Rachel Lewis

My favorite thing about Leverage is that it was custom tailored to where I am at. A blogger just in the very first stages of speaking. I didn’t have to know it all before I came … And at the same time, I know that those with much more experience than me also left feeling equally equipped.”

~ Rachel LewisBlogger, Writer

Greg Hurley

Greg Hurley

“If you have a message from God
If you want to be loved
If you want to be encouraged
If you want to learn so many awesome & practical tips and tools
You have to come!

Christ, love, and community will get you to where you are supposed to be. Only Leverage offers this. Kathi, Roger, Mary, Cheri, Michele are so humble & authentic—join them to be levered into your destiny.”

~ Greg Hurley, Blogger

Bre Lee

Bre Lee

“Leverage gives you tools you didn’t know you needed. It is a group of supportive men and women who want to see you thrive. If you are at all interested in speaking, you need to be at Leverage.”

~ Breana Lee, Leverage Attendee

Tonya Kubo

Tonya Kubo

“Before Leverage, I was stuck. I wasn’t sure if I had a message anyone would want to hear or even what that message might be. Not only did Leverage help me to identify my message and lay a foundation for my platform, but I walked away with a concrete plan of action to immediately implement in pursuit of my goals. The growth accomplished in these three days has moved me past years of indecision. If you are ready to propel yourself and your career immediately forward, Leverage is for you.”

~ Tonya Kubo, Leverage Conference Attendee

Leverage your learning

We will focus on four components which — when practiced — will propel you into becoming a compelling speaker:

• Message. Kathi has developed “Message Mapping”: a clear way to create your talks that will take your listeners on a journey with you and help them grow in their faith. You will leave this conference with a clear and concise way to develop a powerful message — and then use that message in every area of your communication: speaking, blogging, article and book writing, and more.

• Method. This is all about the delivery — what are the things that will turn an ordinary speaker into an extraordinary speaker? In this portion of our teaching, we will help you to deliver your message with clarity, authenticity, and power to change people’s lives. Plus, you will uncover your unique speaking style which will help you become even more of the speaker you are designed to be.

• Marketing. We will get into the nitty gritty of developing your platform. Learn the foundations of marketing your speaking ministry, and how to execute each and every step.

• Mentoring. We want you to apply all that you’re learning, while you’re learning it. So in our mentoring time, you will be working with our coaches, getting hands-on advice on how to move forward in your speaking career.

Leverage your speaking

In the agenda here, you’ll see that our trainings are laser-beam focused on helping you master each component, using three methods:

Perfect your craft: Our keynote mentors will give you all the information you need to bring clarity and confidence to your speaking.

Practice your craft: We’ll do breakout sessions with a small group, paired with a mentor, to help you collaborate and compound your learning.

Perform your craft: Nothing will promote more growth than the opportunity to perform in front of your peers and mentors, and receive their constructive feedback. This personal attention sets Leverage apart from any other conference you’ll attend.

Join speakers from around the country to work on your craft and be a part of the Leverage Community.

Registration Information

Registration will open soon! Registration does not include lodging, nor does it include all meals. Please see the details page for more information on meals.

3 Equal Payments

1st payment due at time of registration
  • First payment of $382 paid at time of registration
  • 2nd and 3rd payments made each month thereafter
  • all the training sessions
  • all small group mentoring sessions
  • one 15 minute one on one marketing session with one of our marketing mentors
  • one 15 minute one on one “Next Steps” coaching with one of our mentors
  • all course materials
  • access to the private Facebook group one month before the conference plus indefinitely after the conference

All rights reserved © Kathi Lipp, LLC 2018

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Call: (800) 969-1603

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