San Jose, California | November 4-6, 2019
Founded by Communicator Academy’s Kathi Lipp
Thank you for your consideration of sponsoring Leverage 2019.
The following are the different levels of sponsorship we are offering for this year’s event and a description of what each level receives. If you have questions, please contact Shantell Brightman at shantell@kathilipp.com.
Platinum Sponsorship
1 Available
- Company Name, Logo and Hyperlink on conference website and front page of app
- Recognition as a Platinum Conference Sponsor in program guide and promotional material
- Sign Recognition at the event
- Seven Guest Registrations at half off
- Logoed Lounge Area to meet with conferees
- Full Page Ad in workbook
- Verbal Recognition at the event
- Sponsorship Giveaway and announcement (swag)
- Sponsorship of Publishing Panel
- Presentation at Lunch and Learn (topic must be approved by Leverage BOD)
- Banner Ad on event website guide, brochure and all promo materials
- Chair Distribution
- Podcast in October on Communicator Academy (topic must be approved by Leverage BOD)
Gold Sponsorship
2 Available
- Company Name, Logo and Hyperlink on conference website and app
- Recognition as a Gold Conference Sponsor in program guide and promotional material
- Sign Recognition at the event
- Three Guest Registrations at half off
- Logoed Café Table to meet with conferees
- Half Page Ad in workbook
- Verbal Recognition at the event
- Presentation at Lunch and Learn (topic must be approved by Levegage BOD)
- Chair distribution
- Podcast Sponsorship
Silver Sponsorship
3 Available
- Company Name, Logo and Hyperlink on conference website and app
- Recognition as a Silver Conference Sponsor in program guide and promotional material
- Sign Recognition at the event
- Logoed Café Table to meet with conferees
- Sponsorship of one Lunch and Learn (topic must be approved by Leverage BOD)
- Podcast Sponsorship
Friends of Leverage
- Company Name, Logo and Hyperlink on conference website
- Recognition as a “Friend of Leverage” in program guide and promotional material