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256 – Social Media with Shannon Popkin: Part 2
Kathi Lipp and Shannon Popkin talk about the value of finding strength in your differences instead of comparing yourself to others.
255 – Social Media with Shannon Popkin
Kathi Lipp is joined by author Shannon Popkin to talk about the dangers of comparison, and provide strategies to avoid comparing your success to others.
255 – Social Media with Shannon Popkin
Kathi Lipp is joined by author Shannon Popkin to talk about the dangers of comparison, and provide strategies to avoid comparing your success to others.
254 How to Handle Money for Creatives (and those who love them): Episode 4 – Who Are the People You Need to Make Your Finances Work?
Kathi Lipp and Roger Lipp explain who they have on their team to help them with their finances, and what the role of each person is.
253 How to Handle Money for Creatives (and those who love them): Episode 3 – How Kathi and Roger Have Set Up Their Business Finances
Kathi Lipp and Roger Lipp explain how their Profit First accounts are set up, and what percentage of their income goes in which account.
252 How to Handle Money for Creatives (and those who love them): Episode 2 – How to Set Up Your Business Finances
Kathi Lipp and Roger Lipp talk about the challenges of managing finances and introduce the concept of Profit First.
251 How to Handle Money for Creatives (and those who love them): Episode 1
Kathi Lipp and Roger Lipp talk about the challenges of managing finances and introduce the concept of Profit First.
250 Taking Care of Business – Managing Your To-Do List
Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo talk about the value of a to-do list and share ideas about how to use to-do lists effectively.
249 Taking Care of Business – Managing Your Calendar
Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo discuss strategies and share their favorite tools for getting the most productivity out of your calendar.
248 Taking Care of Business – Managing Your Email Part 2
Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo share resources, tactics, and strategies to help you stay on top of your email inbox.
247 Taking Care of Business – Managing Your Email Part 1
Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo share resources, tactics, and strategies to help you stay on top of your email inbox.
246 Wisdom Based Business: Pursuing Profitability to the Honor and Glory of God
Kathi Lipp and author Dr. Hannah Stolze talk about the concept of profitability from a Biblical standpoint.
245 How to Be an Awesome Podcast Guest – What to do After Your Interview
Kathi Lipp and Tiffany Jo Baker talk about what you need to do after you record a podcast to be an awesome guest.
3 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Writing Time
Wondering about ways to get more out of your writing time? Join Kathi on this fantastic Facebook live as she talks through three ways to get more out of your writing time, fitting it into all the drips and drabs in between all the things. It’s all about making...
244 How to Be an Awesome Podcast Guest – What To Do During Your Interview
Kathi Lipp and Tiffany Jo Baker talk about what you need to do to prepare to be interviewed as a podcast guest.