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The Best Kept Secret for Using Facebook for Business

The Best Kept Secret for Using Facebook for Business

Lists. In real life, they keep me organized, help me get everything I need from the grocery store in one trip, and provide a sense of accomplishment as I check things off. Facebook Friend Lists have some amazing applications when it comes to being thoughtful,...

Eps. #110: 3 Major Obstacles that Interfere with Your Productivity

Eps. #110: 3 Major Obstacles that Interfere with Your Productivity

In today's episode, Kathi and Michele talk about the 3 major obstacles that interfere with productivity. Michele says we need to identify these big boulders and she gives you some homework to help you take your first, next step. In this episode, you will know: How to...

How Not to Make Your Email Recipients Crazy: 10 Tips for Emails that Work

How Not to Make Your Email Recipients Crazy: 10 Tips for Emails that Work

In keeping with this month’s focus on “getting things done,” let’s talk about how to handle email. Have you noticed that the inbox is reaching crisis proportions? The ease of email causes people to be careless about how they use it. It's SO easy to dash off an email...

The Secret Sauce to Your Upcoming Conference & Business Success

The Secret Sauce to Your Upcoming Conference & Business Success

Leverage Coaches: The Secret Sauce to your Upcoming Conference and Business Success  Are you considering investing in your work as a speaker and a writer by attending Leverage: The Speaker Conference? There are countless reasons why Leverage is a worthwhile...

How to Take the First Step of Writing

How to Take the First Step of Writing

Are you having a hard time taking the first step of writing your chapter, article, or blog? Concrete skills can often give you confidence and motivation to help you take the first steps, so let’s look at some specific techniques for the starting point: your...

The Best Way to Build a Strong Email List

The Best Way to Build a Strong Email List

by Cheri Gregory Imagine sending an email to your subscribers and receiving responses like these: • "Thank you so much for your email. What you shared was exactly what I needed to hear today." • "I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you. I am on this journey...

How to Pitch Your Idea with a Servant Heart

How to Pitch Your Idea with a Servant Heart

God's given you a message, and you want to steward it well. Which means that you need to get people's attention. But the very idea of self-promotion makes you gag. How can you pitch your concept without seeming self-serving? Great question! A Tale of Two Pitches Grit...

Eps. #104 Book Launch 101: How to Get Radio Ready

Eps. #104 Book Launch 101: How to Get Radio Ready

Today is Kathi's final Book Launch 101 episode with friend and coauthor of Overwhelmed, Cheri Gregory. Today they talk about getting radio ready and how to be a great guest. Whether it be guest blogging, Facebook Live, or a Podcast, they give you insider tips on how...

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