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Eps. #111: Jumpstart Your Productivity: 4 Necessary Questions to Ask Yourself
Have you ever tried to challenge yourself to see how much you can get done in 15 minutes? Or tried to multitask while waiting for your coffee to heat up in the microwave? I bet you have! Last week Kathi and Michele talked about obstacles that interfere with...
The Best Kept Secret for Using Facebook for Business
Lists. In real life, they keep me organized, help me get everything I need from the grocery store in one trip, and provide a sense of accomplishment as I check things off. Facebook Friend Lists have some amazing applications when it comes to being thoughtful,...
Eps. #110: 3 Major Obstacles that Interfere with Your Productivity
In today's episode, Kathi and Michele talk about the 3 major obstacles that interfere with productivity. Michele says we need to identify these big boulders and she gives you some homework to help you take your first, next step. In this episode, you will know: How to...
How Not to Make Your Email Recipients Crazy: 10 Tips for Emails that Work
In keeping with this month’s focus on “getting things done,” let’s talk about how to handle email. Have you noticed that the inbox is reaching crisis proportions? The ease of email causes people to be careless about how they use it. It's SO easy to dash off an email...
Eps. #109 Taking Care of Business on the Road: Creating a Mobile Office
Join Kathi and Michele in today's podcast episode as they tell you how to create a mobile office. Who says you need to stop working en route to your next event? Get the most out of your day by using these creative pockets of time to work on the go. In this...
The Secret Sauce to Your Upcoming Conference & Business Success
Leverage Coaches: The Secret Sauce to your Upcoming Conference and Business Success Are you considering investing in your work as a speaker and a writer by attending Leverage: The Speaker Conference? There are countless reasons why Leverage is a worthwhile...
Eps. #108: The Gritty Writer’s Guide to Writing, No Matter Where You Are
Kathi and Michele sit down to talk about how to write anywhere and everywhere regardless of how "strange" the place might be. Join them today to talk about the 6 keys to know how to write in weird places. In today's episode, you will know: Why it's important to leave...
How to Take the First Step of Writing
Are you having a hard time taking the first step of writing your chapter, article, or blog? Concrete skills can often give you confidence and motivation to help you take the first steps, so let’s look at some specific techniques for the starting point: your...
Eps. #107: Get it Done: Our 7 Favorite Secret Weapons for Quick Boosts of Productivity Today When You’re Producing Under the Gun
Do you struggle to stay on task? Do you struggle with being distracted from every task by each little noise? Have you ever thought you were the only one? What would you do if there were strategies you could put in place to help cut down the distractions? If you have...
The Best Way to Build a Strong Email List
by Cheri Gregory Imagine sending an email to your subscribers and receiving responses like these: • "Thank you so much for your email. What you shared was exactly what I needed to hear today." • "I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you. I am on this journey...
Eps. #106 How to Create the Perfect Writers Retreat Part 2: You Have to Set Goals (and Rewards)
Welcome to Part 2 of How to Create the Perfect Writer's Retreat with Kathi Lipp and Michele Cushatt! It's important to go to your retreat with your goals already set and rewards for you to look forward to. If you're planning on taking time away from your...
Just Get Started: Podcasting Tips for the Rookie Fighting All the Big, Scary-Looking Things
“Are you podcasting?” “Um, no.” “WHY?!” This conversation happened so many times for me that I finally decided to look into this big, scary-looking endeavor. And you know what I discovered? It really wasn’t all that big and scary for someone who likes to talk. I am a...
Eps. #105: How to Create the Perfect Writer’s Retreat Part 1: It’s (Almost) All About the Atmosphere
Kathi and Michele sit down to talk about how to create the perfect writer's retreat in today's podcast. They talk about past retreats they have been on and how it's helped them set boundaries and knock-out their goals. Listen in for 7 strategies that...
How to Pitch Your Idea with a Servant Heart
God's given you a message, and you want to steward it well. Which means that you need to get people's attention. But the very idea of self-promotion makes you gag. How can you pitch your concept without seeming self-serving? Great question! A Tale of Two Pitches Grit...
Eps. #104 Book Launch 101: How to Get Radio Ready
Today is Kathi's final Book Launch 101 episode with friend and coauthor of Overwhelmed, Cheri Gregory. Today they talk about getting radio ready and how to be a great guest. Whether it be guest blogging, Facebook Live, or a Podcast, they give you insider tips on how...