180 Launching a Book Without Losing Your Soul: 5 Ways to Find Rest in the Whirlwind

Does your book launch feel a little like being in a whirlwind of to-do’s, emotions and exhaustion?

Kathi Lipp and her angelic co-host Michele Cushatt tell how to avoid being the “Bridezilla” of our book launches and tame our  inner tantrums. Michele gives us 5 ways to launch a book without losing your soul becuase it’s absolutely vital to the message God has given you to stay sane.

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175 Fiction with Ginny Yttrup Part 2

175 Fiction with Ginny Yttrup Part 2

Kathi sits down with Christy Award winning fiction author Ginny Ytrrup and finishes a conversation about all things fiction. In today’s episode, you will discover: The close relationship between fiction and non fiction and why you need both. Why "SHOW, don't tell"...

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