#159: What do You do When Your Ministry or Business Isn’t Growing – Part 1
What do you do to stop the panic that comes when your business or ministry experiences a down season? Kathi and Michelle discuss the top 5 things you should do and how they will help realign you.
Episode 158: Your Book Launch Checklist with Michelle Ule
Join Kathi today with her friend and guest, Michelle Ule, as they talk about preparations for a successful book launch! The motto for today's podcast is be prepared. Michelle shares the tasks to be completed in advance in order to be prepared for a successful book...
Episode 157: How to be a Great Podcast Guest Part 2 with Cheri Gregory
Welcome Back to part two on how to be the best podcast guest you can be! Join Kathi today with guest, Cheri Gregory, as they continue their discussion on how to be a great podcast guest. Are you looking to become a better speaker on stage or on a podcast? Don't...
Episode 156: How to be a Great Podcast guest with Cheri Gregory
Be the best podcast guest you can be! Join Kathi today with guest, Cheri Gregory, as they discuss how to be a great guest. Today they will discuss the first five ways to make sure you walk away having the great interview that you want to have and serve the host....
Episode 155: What I learned about Book Proposals at a Writing at the Red House Retreat
Ready to pursue writing a book proposal?Join Kathi and her guests (everyone at the actual writing retreat) as they discuss all they learned about the important aspects of proposals.From building chapter titles, to writing your story to marketing, hear from all The Red...
154 Turn Your Book into a Ministry
What helps turn your book into a ministry? Kathi and Michele talk today about a book that can go for the long haul and be turned into a ministry. Some may have the ministry first, some may have a book that is just for a season, how can you recognize the...
153 Writing/Speaking Ministry Killers: Behaviors and Attitudes to Avoid As You Seek To Serve Part 2
Welcome back!We continue as Kathi and Michele share more on the eight habits, attitudes, and behaviors that can kill a ministry.Today we continue with the next six in the list of ministry killers. From victimization to the comparison trap, Michele and Kathi dive in...
152 Writing/Speaking Ministry Killers (Behaviors and Attitudes to Avoid As You Seek to Serve) Part 1
Welcome!Kathi and Michele share eight habits, attitudes, and behaviors that can kill a ministry.We all have done these at some point in time. Michele and Kathi share this list to help us stay on top of in order to avoid these pitfalls. In this first episode, learn how...
151 How to create more ROI on an event? part 2 with Amy Carroll
Welcome back to part two with Amy Carroll, author of Exhale, on how to maximize your return on investment for speaking at events. Kathi, Michele and Amy shares some "deal-breakers" for accepting speaking opportunities and how to know when it is okay say no. When you...
150 Is There Enough ROI at a Speaking Event? w/ Amy Carroll part 1
Welcome to a two part series with Amy Carroll on how to maximize your return on investment for events. Kathi shares how when your work is determined by a dollar, it changes everything. As christian communicators, we need to have a higher price on our communication,...
149 The Organized Communicator – Event Communication
Welcome back as Kathi and Michele continue the series on The Organized Communicator. Today they are talking about 5 important things to clarify as they discuss event communication. Learn how having these 5 questions as a goal has helped Kathi immensely in event...
148 The Organized Communicator Event Packet
From spice racks to speaking engagements, Kathi and Michele dive into the importance of an organized communicator plan!Kathi has created a system that makes a huge difference in her life. Today she shares just the tip of the iceberg of her organized plans. Keep...
147 Michele and Kathi’s Favorite Things #1
Welcome to Kathi and Michele bonus Five Minute Freebie!Kathi and Michele each share one product that is like whip cream on your hot fudge sundae!. It's their five minute wake-up kit!Coffee and peppermint oil!Kathi's Favorite thing:Bialetti Moka Espresso potCafe...
146 What You Need to Know Before Talking to an Agent with Janet Grant and Wendy Lawton Part 3
Are you ready for an agent? Welcome back for the final episode of How to Know You are Ready for an Agent. Live on location at the West Coast Writer's Conference, Kathi and Michele are joined by Janet Grant and Wendy Lawton of Books & Such Literary Agency. Today...
145 What you need to know before talking to an agent Janet Grant and Wendy Lawton Part 2
Welcome back for part 2 of How to Know You are Ready for an Agent. Live on location at the West Coast Writer's Conference, Kathi and Michele are joined by Janet Grant and Wendy Lawton of Books & Such Literary Agency. Sparks are flying, the doors are locked! Jump...
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