326 Building Your Speaking in 2023 Part 1
Are you looking to start or refresh your speaking career? Then this episode is for you! Join Kathi as she talks to Amberly Neese about some important points that can help you stay focused and avoid unnecessary heartache. Listen in and learn the first two points: Get...
325 What is Your Communication Style (And How to Use it) Part 2
Kathi is back to share the second half of a workshop from her Leverage speakers' conference. In this episode, she is joined by Kristie Christie to focus on the fourth and final communication style: motivating. Listen in and learn: Why motivation is a good way to end a...
324 What is Your Communication Style (And How to Use it) Part 1
As speakers, many of us start out by imitating others. Then we wonder, "Why doesn’t this work for me?" Today Kathi shares the first half of a workshop from her Leverage speaker conference. She is joined by her husband, Roger, and author Michele Cushatt. They discuss...
323 The Amish, ADHD, and the Creative
Have you ever struggled with ADHD and creativity? Join Kathi as she discusses how ADHD can impact both characters and creatives with her fellow author Suzanne Woods Fisher. Listen in and learn: How ADHD can present itself in characters and creatives. Some simple tips...
322 How to Get to the End of a Writing Deadline
Have you ever panicked about meeting a writing deadline? Today Kathi chats with author and recovering “panicker” Mary Carver about how to cope with a looming deadline. Listen in as Kathi and Mary answer our cries for help with these great ideas: Understand where your...
321 How to Write a Hard Story
Do you have a hard story that you feel led to write? Join Kathi as she talks with Becky Keife, the community and editorial manager for (in)courage, about how to write those hard and tender stories. Listen in and learn: The different types of hard stories. How to...
320 Motivating Your Audience to Move Part 2
Do you want to make sure that your audience remembers you and your message long after the event is over? Today, speaker coach Mary Snyder joins Kathi for the second part of their discussion on how to motivate your audience to move. These two successful speakers can...
319 Motivating Your Audience to Move Part 1
Do you want to learn how to move your people to action? In this episode Kathi is chatting with speaker coach Mary Snyder about how to motivate your audience. That may mean encouraging people to join a movement, take part in a project, make a donation to a worthy...
318 10 Mistakes Everyone is Making on their Website: Part 2
Do you ever worry about whether your website is full of mistakes? Today, Kathi is back with her web designer, Angela Sue Garvey, to reveal the final five mistakes that too many people are making on their websites. Angela discusses each of the following pitfalls and...
317 10 Mistakes Everyone is Making on their Website: Part 1
Kathi says the rules of making a website have changed a lot since she created her first website many years ago. Today she talks with author and web designer Angela Sue Garvey about ways authors and communicators can improve their website. Angela advises us to avoid...
316 Best Of: A Comedian’s Guide to Being Funny
Have you ever wondered if people are born funny or if some people can never be funny? In this “Best Of…” episode, Kathi talks with Jason Earls, a professional comedian, about how to bring the funny when we are communicating our message. Listen in and learn how to...
315 Creating a Speaker One Sheet Part 2
Kathi continues her conversation with event planner and speaker coach Mary Snyder about what to include in your speaker one sheet. Listen in and learn from their hard-won wisdom (and avoid the mistakes they each made). Kathi and Mary will walk you through: Creating a...
314 Creating a Speaker One Sheet Part 1
Have you heard of a speaker one sheet but have no idea how to make one? Even if you have no idea what a speaker one sheet is, this episode is for you. Today, Kathi Lipp is joined by fellow podcaster and speaker, Mary Snyder, to help you create your very own speaker...
313 Creating a Habit of Serving Your Audience
In Writing at the Red House, we talk about social media and platform building in terms of service. How do you serve your audience? Is content creation a chore for you, or are you passionate about your topic and your people? Today Kathi and Red House director Lori...
312 Creating a Writing Habit
Have you ever struggled to make writing a habit? Today, Kathi Lipp is talking with Lori Young, the director of Writing at the Red House, to unpack how they write and what they’ve learned over their individual writing journeys. Listen in and learn: The three crucial...
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