Nov 7, 2022 | Audience, Author Tips, Podcast, Story, Tell Your Story, Writing
Listen In Do you have a hard story that you feel led to write? Join Kathi as she talks with Becky Keife, the community and editorial manager for (in)courage, about how to write those hard and tender stories. Listen in and learn: The different types of hard stories....
Oct 17, 2022 | Audience, Marketing, Podcast, Website
Listen In Do you ever worry about whether your website is full of mistakes? Today, Kathi is back with her web designer, Angela Sue Garvey, to reveal the final five mistakes that too many people are making on their websites. Angela discusses each of the following...
Nov 22, 2021 | Audience, Business, Platform, Podcast, Social Media, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Have you started a Facebook group and now you don’t know what to do next? If so, listen in as Kathi and Tonya discuss some of the main ways to effectively add value to your Facebook group. In Part Three of this series, Kathi and Tonya share: How the value of...
Jul 31, 2019 | Communicator Academy, Platform, Speaker Tips
As speakers and writers, part of what we do is platform building. We know that having a wider audience allows us more opportunities to share our message in different settings and formats. A lot of this work is obvious: delivering life-changing content to our audience...
May 22, 2019 | Communicator Academy, Writers Block, Writing
You’ve sent out dozens of queries, networked with editors, and worked on your craft. Now you’ve landed that writing gig. Congratulations! But then something unexpected happens: you sit staring for too long at a blinking cursor. All the great ideas you had for the...