Apr 24, 2019 | Communicator Academy, Live Video, Social Media, Video
A savvy communicator can connect with an audience on any platform. Whether you’re speaking on a stage or writing a blog article, you know how to deliver a message that feels like it was created specifically for the person receiving it. You make it look easy. Yet when...
Mar 27, 2019 | Communicator Academy, Platform, Speaker Tips
The scariest moment for an event planner is the instant she hands the mic over to the speaker. I was an event coordinator for years, so I’ve been there. When you feel deep responsibility for the content your group receives, it’s terrifying to give complete...
Oct 24, 2017 | Speaker Tips
Wow. That’s a story I don’t think I’d tell on myself, I thought after reading a confessional passage from Lysa TerKeurst’s book, Am I Messing Up My Kids? The thought popped into my mind unbidden, but once it was there I had to take time to examine it. Lysa, president...
Jun 21, 2017 | Creativity, Marketing, Memoir, Platform, Tell Your Story
“Share your story!” is a popular buzz phrase for communicators these days. This push for authenticity can leave us, as writers and speakers, uncertain about how much is too much, too little, or just right to share with our audiences. During her...