Jan 19, 2017 | Blog, Marketing
The other day, after a speaking engagement, a dear friend who’s heard me speak more than anyone else asked me: “How do you do that, win over your audience? I have watched you and it’s like you read the women and are able to respond to them organically and the...
Jan 5, 2017 | Audience, Blog, Blogging, Curation
by Robin O’Neal Smith When you visit a museum and notice a sign with artwork: “From the Collection of….” Somewhere there are many more pieces of art, but a curator selected the specific items they wanted to display. And the other items are stored elsewhere....
Dec 26, 2016 | Audience, Platform, Podcast
Listen In In this episode, Michele Cushatt and Kathi Lipp unearth some practicalities when it comes to uncovering ways to know one’s speaking audience. In order to honor the audience, a speaker needs to unearth the background, environment, flavor of the...