Oct 2, 2023 | Audience, Author Tips, Marketing, Podcast, Writing
Listen In Does the idea of marketing your book overwhelm or scare you? If so, this episode from the Path to Published conference is perfect for you. Today, Kathi is talking with Michele Cushatt about the first two steps to bake marketing into your book. This not only...
Sep 25, 2023 | Audience, Author Tips, Personal Life, Podcast, Writing
Listen In Have you struggled to find a writing community? Never fear because this is what Kathi is discussing with her friend and fellow author, Susy Flory. Together, they tackle this uncomfortable topic and share their best tips for how to find and maintain a healthy...
Sep 18, 2023 | Audience, Author Tips, Personal Life, Podcast, Writing
Listen In Do you ever wonder if you’re being ruthlessly honest in your writing? This is the topic of today’s episode. Kathi is back with Jennifer Dukes Lee to discuss not only why you need to be ruthlessly honest in your writing but also how that impacts you and your...
Jul 17, 2023 | Audience, Business, Platform, Podcast, Social Media, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Have you started a Facebook group but now don’t know what to do next? If so, listen in as Kathi and Tonya Kubo discuss some of the main ways to effectively add value to your Facebook group. In Part 3 of this series, Kathi and Tonya share: How the value of a...
Jul 10, 2023 | Audience, Business, Platform, Podcast, Social Media, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Want to create a healthy and safe Facebook group? In the second episode of our “Best Of” series, Kathi is talking with Tonya Kubo about how to keep your Facebook group from becoming toxic. Some crucial indicators of an unhealthy Facebook group are spam,...