Aug 7, 2023 | Audience, Author Tips, Book Launch, Platform, Podcast
Listen In Are you on the fence about book launch teams? If so, then be sure to tune in to this episode. Today, Kathi is back with Tonya Kubo to discuss the ins and outs of what it takes to have a launch team and why you should have one for your own book release....
Feb 6, 2023 | Author Tips, Book Launch, Creativity, Overwhelmed, Personal Life, Platform, Podcast, Writing
Listen In In the last episode, Kathi sat down with Michele Cushatt to discuss the first step of how to take a break from your platform. Now, in Part 2, they are continuing their conversation to reveal the next four steps that Michele learned during her own platform...
Jan 30, 2023 | Author Tips, Book Launch, Creativity, Overwhelmed, Personal Life, Platform, Podcast, Writing
Listen In Life can throw us curve balls, and if we are not careful, our platform can take over our life. In this episode, Kathi is sitting down with her friend and fellow author Michele Cushatt to discuss when taking a platform break is needed and steps to take that...
Apr 4, 2022 | Author Tips, Book Launch, Creativity, Podcast, Story, Writing, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Have you ever gotten stuck while trying to write the opening scene of your book? Join Kathi Lipp and bestselling author Susy Flory as they discuss how to approach the opening scene of a book. In this episode, you will learn: How to help your reader get into...
Jan 31, 2022 | Audience, Author Tips, Blogging, Book Launch, Marketing, Podcast, Social Media, Writing, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Once your book is out there, how do you keep it alive? In the fourth part of this series, co-authors Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory talk about how they are marketing their latest book and serving their audience at the same time. Listen in as they talk about...