May 14, 2023 | Audience, Author Tips, Creativity, Overwhelmed, Personal Life, Podcast, Story, Tell Your Story, Writing
Listen In Do you have a desire to launch a course, program, or workshop? If so, this is the episode for you. Today, Kathi is back with Cheri Gregory, who is an author, speaker, course creator, and podcaster, to finish up this series with Part 3 about how to create...
May 8, 2023 | Audience, Author Tips, Creativity, Overwhelmed, Personal Life, Podcast, Story, Tell Your Story, Writing
Listen In Do you have a desire to launch a course, program, or workshop? If so, this is the episode for you. Today, Kathi is back with Cheri Gregory, who is an author, speaker, course creator, and podcaster, to discuss more tips to create that course, program, or...
Apr 30, 2023 | Audience, Author Tips, Creativity, Overwhelmed, Personal Life, Podcast, Story, Tell Your Story, Writing
Listen In Are you challenged by launching a course, program or workshop? If so, this is the episode for you. Today, Kathi is talking with Cheri Gregory, who is an author, speaker, course creator, and podcaster, to discuss simple tactics to create that course, program...
Mar 13, 2023 | Audience, Author Tips, Business, Creativity, Partnering, Podcast
Listen In In the third and final episode in this series, Kathi is back with literary agent Kathleen Kerr and the art director for Harper Collins Christian Publishing, Meg Schmidt. Together, they wrap things up by exploring not only some more book covers but also what...
Mar 6, 2023 | Audience, Author Tips, Business, Creativity, Partnering
Listen In In this episode, Kathi is back with literary agent Kathleen Kerr and the art director for Harper Collins Christian Publishing, Meg Schmidt. Together, they are continuing their discussion about book covers. Listen in and learn: How authors, agents, editors,...