175 Fiction with Ginny Yttrup Part 2

Kathi sits down with Christy Award winning fiction author Ginny Ytrrup and finishes a conversation about all things fiction. In today’s episode, you will discover: The close relationship between fiction and non fiction and why you need both. Why “SHOW,...

Building Up the Bones {How to Write a Book Series}

Crooked Buildings? Have you ever seen a crooked building? I don’t mean the dishonest kind of crooked—I’m talking about a cockeyed building that looks like one strong gust of wind will blow it right over. One of the key reasons a building gets to this point is the...

How to Write a Book

When I was 14 years old, I dreamed of writing a book. It would be about a horse, and a young girl going through a difficult time. I had always liked to read and people said I had a way with words. Writing was something I didn’t have to work at too much and the words...