Mar 19, 2018 | Platform, Podcast, Speaker Tips
Kathi and Michele talk about how to create speaking topics and how hard it can be to come up with the descriptions of your speaking topics. As Kathi says, “It’s not supposed to be easy or everybody would be doing it.” There are three key tips that...
Sep 22, 2017 | Book Launch, Marketing
Launching your first book (and even subsequent books) is exciting. Something you may or may not anticipate is that launching your book can also be very stressful. I’ve put together some tips from my book launch experiences to help you prepare well for your launch so...
Aug 24, 2017 | Book Launch
Authors sell books, and books sell best when they launch well. As a book launch manager, I work with authors at all stages of the process. In my experience, the difference between books that launch well and those that have trouble gaining momentum is the time and...
Jun 21, 2017 | Creativity, Marketing, Memoir, Platform, Tell Your Story
“Share your story!” is a popular buzz phrase for communicators these days. This push for authenticity can leave us, as writers and speakers, uncertain about how much is too much, too little, or just right to share with our audiences. During her...