Jul 17, 2023 | Audience, Business, Platform, Podcast, Social Media, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Have you started a Facebook group but now don’t know what to do next? If so, listen in as Kathi and Tonya Kubo discuss some of the main ways to effectively add value to your Facebook group. In Part 3 of this series, Kathi and Tonya share: How the value of a...
Jul 2, 2023 | Audience, Business, Platform, Podcast, Social Media, Writing at the Red House
Listen In This is our Best Of series with Kathi Lipp. Are you wanting to start a Facebook group that will thrive and serve your audience? If so, be sure to listen in as Kathi and Tonya Kubo discuss what makes a great Facebook group and how keep it going. In Part 1 of...
Aug 8, 2022 | Marketing, Podcast, Social Media, Video
Listen In In this episode, Kathi admits to being resistant to making Instagram reels. Perhaps you feel the same way. Tiffany Jo Baker, podcast producer and reel maker extraordinaire, is here to challenge Kathi and all her listeners to keep it simple and start making...
May 16, 2022 | Audience, Marketing, Podcast
Listen In While creatives used to try and get featured on blogs, the rise of podcasts has led creatives to begin pitching themselves as podcast guests. Since podcasts are still a new endeavor for so many people, Kathi Lipp is joined by her podcast producer, Tiffany Jo...
Nov 29, 2021 | Audience, Business, Platform, Podcast, Social Media, Writing at the Red House
Listen In When you are starting from scratch, a new Facebook group can take a big investment of time. You may worry — Is it growing? Is it failing to grow? And what should you do about it? This week Kathi is back with Facebook groups guru Tonya Kubo in Part Four of...