Jul 5, 2021 | Business, Podcast, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Kathi Lipp and partner in all things, including business, Roger Lipp are here to introduce this month’s series on money management. There are so many different methods of managing money, and some people are very adept at putting together, and following,...
Jun 28, 2021 | Business, Podcast, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Kathi Lipp and Clutter Free Academy co-founder Tonya Kubo return for the last episode in the Taking Care of Business series. This week, the duo is talking about how to make the best use of a to-do list. We can all agree that to-do lists are a great way to...
Jun 21, 2021 | Business, Podcast, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo are back with more tips for taking care of your business. Today they are discussing how to tackle the seemingly impossible task of managing your calendar without the existence of a time-turner (Harry Potter friends will get the...
Jun 14, 2021 | Business, Podcast, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Kathi Lipp is back with her partner in crime Tonya Kubo with more great tips on how to slay the email dragon. In last week’s episode, the duo shared several tips, including using tools like Streak, creating separate email accounts for different purposes, and...
Jun 7, 2021 | Business, Podcast, Writing at the Red House
Listen In This month, Kathi Lipp and Tonya Kubo are sharing their resources, tactics, and strategies for taking care of business. In this first episode, the two tackle the issue of staying on top of email. There is no one right way to handle email. Kathi strives to...