Sep 29, 2017 | Business, Speaker Tips
I have to confess. Dealing with the money side of speaking is my least favorite part. Does it make you squirm to anticipate the moment when the event planner asks the dreaded question, “So what’s your fee?” Me too! It’s excruciating for me to talk with event planners...
Aug 21, 2017 | Podcast, Recommendations, Speaker Tips
Listen In In this episode, successful authors and speakers Michele Cushatt and Kathi Lipp share practical tips to help speakers who travel frequently to travel lightly and wisely. In this podcast, learn 13 of 33 savvy tips in part one of two episodes discussing travel...
Jun 28, 2017 | Speaker Tips
Big, fat and deep red – it was my first tomato of the season. I fried up a bunch of bacon and washed the lettuce. I pulled out the bread, slathered on the mayonnaise and added my bacon, lettuce and tomatoes. Adding just the right amount of salt and pepper, my BLT was...