Mar 29, 2021 | Business, Platform, Podcast
Listen In In the final episode of this month’s “best-of” series, Kathi is inviting us to the virtual kitchen of co-host and stealth platformer Michele Cushatt. In the first episode of this series we learned about where to start when we want to be a writer, followed by...
Mar 22, 2021 | Business, Platform, Podcast, Writing, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Last week in part 1 of Finding Your Niche, Kathi and Michele explained to us why it is so important to find your niche, and today they give us the how. Finding your niche all begins with two things: your passion and your audience’s needs. But what if you...
Mar 15, 2021 | Business, Platform, Podcast, Writing, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Kathi and her amazing and very nichey co-host, Michele Cushatt are encouraging us in finding our niche today! Sometimes communicators struggle to narrow in and get very specific about our niche. In this very candid “best of” episode Kathi and Michele take us...
Mar 8, 2021 | Business, Podcast, Writing, Writing at the Red House
Listen In In the first episode of this series, we learned about where to start when we want to be a writer. Continuing in this “Best Of” series, Kathi and Michele Cushatt chat about their writing routines and exchange tips for avoiding excuses and getting the words on...
Mar 1, 2021 | Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Writing
Listen In Kicking off this Best of Series for March, we have the dynamic duo Kathi and Michele back on mic with guest Glynnis Witwer. Kathi and Michele have heard these words countless times: “I want to be a writer, but where do I start?” Maybe you have asked, or at...