Sep 5, 2019 | Business, Communicator Academy, Live Video, Pursuing Your Dreams
As communicators, we are professionals. Whether you call it your ministry or your business, we must be professionals in all we do. That means we prepare, do our research, and put forth our very best work. A big part of having a business is setting SMART output based...
Aug 26, 2019 | Business, Communicator Academy, Platform, Podcast, Writing
What helps turn your book into a ministry? Kathi and Michele talk today about a book that can go for the long haul and be turned into a ministry. Some may have the ministry first, some may have a book that is just for a season, how can you recognize the...
Aug 19, 2019 | Author Tips, Communicator Academy, Comparison, Criticism, Leadership, Platform, Podcast, Social Media, Speaker Tips
Welcome back!We continue as Kathi and Michele share more on the eight habits, attitudes, and behaviors that can kill a ministry.Today we continue with the next six in the list of ministry killers. From victimization to the comparison trap, Michele and Kathi dive in...
Aug 12, 2019 | Audience, Author Tips, Business, Communicator Academy, Comparison, Leadership, Platform, Podcast, Social Media, Speaker Tips
Welcome!Kathi and Michele share eight habits, attitudes, and behaviors that can kill a ministry.We all have done these at some point in time. Michele and Kathi share this list to help us stay on top of in order to avoid these pitfalls. In this first episode, learn how...
Aug 5, 2019 | Audience, Business, Communicator Academy, Events, Marketing, Partnering, Platform, Podcast, Speaker Tips
Welcome back to part two with Amy Carroll, author of Exhale, on how to maximize your return on investment for speaking at events. Kathi, Michele and Amy shares some “deal-breakers” for accepting speaking opportunities and how to know when it is okay say...
Jul 31, 2019 | Communicator Academy, Platform, Speaker Tips
As speakers and writers, part of what we do is platform building. We know that having a wider audience allows us more opportunities to share our message in different settings and formats. A lot of this work is obvious: delivering life-changing content to our audience...