Feb 3, 2025 | Audience, Author Tips, Business, Creativity, Criticism, Personal Life, Platform, Podcast, Social Media, Writing at the Red House
439 – Writing your Unique Voice in a Crowded Market Listen In Are you struggling to show up consistently on social media? You’re not alone. Many writers find themselves paralyzed by the fear of posting online, whether it’s concern about negative comments,...
Jan 27, 2025 | Audience, Author Tips, Business, Creativity, Criticism, Overwhelmed, Personal Life, Platform, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Social Media, Writing at the Red House
438 – Overcoming Social Media Fears for Writers Part 2 Listen In Are you struggling to show up consistently on social media? You’re not alone. Many writers find themselves paralyzed by the fear of posting online, whether it’s concern about negative...
Nov 6, 2023 | Author Tips, Business, Creativity, Criticism, Podcast, Social Media, Writing, Writing at the Red House
Listen In Have you been trying to grow your audience? Are you continuing to hit walls? Tune in today while Kathi and Barb Roose, a renowned agent and author, share insights into strategic growth plans. Listen in and learn: How to set goals to hit your desired monthly...
Dec 5, 2022 | Audience, Criticism, Podcast, Speaker Tips, Tell Your Story
Listen In Kathi is back to share the second half of a workshop from her Leverage speakers’ conference. In this episode, she is joined by Kristie Christie to focus on the fourth and final communication style: motivating. Listen in and learn: Why motivation is a...
Aug 19, 2019 | Author Tips, Communicator Academy, Comparison, Criticism, Leadership, Platform, Podcast, Social Media, Speaker Tips
Welcome back!We continue as Kathi and Michele share more on the eight habits, attitudes, and behaviors that can kill a ministry.Today we continue with the next six in the list of ministry killers. From victimization to the comparison trap, Michele and Kathi dive in...
Jun 20, 2018 | Criticism, Recommendations, Writing
One of the most common pieces of advice given to new writers is: Develop thick skin. As a literary agent, I’ve been told I need to develop thick skin too. However, I have a confession: I don’t have thick skin. Not at all. I have a fragile heart, I take...