Jan 23, 2023 | Author Tips, Comparison, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Writing
Listen In Have you been experiencing a crisis of confidence? If so, then this is the episode for you. Kathi is sitting down with her friend and fellow author Michele Cushatt to discuss how to regain your confidence after hitting a low point with your writing. Listen...
Jun 15, 2020 | Communicator Academy, Comparison, Podcast
Kathi and her “slightly better friend”, Michele Cushatt get very transparent about their own struggles with the number one thing that will pull you out of ministry. They candidly confirm how struggling with this issue is common among communicators. Sharing the depths...
Aug 19, 2019 | Author Tips, Communicator Academy, Comparison, Criticism, Leadership, Platform, Podcast, Social Media, Speaker Tips
Welcome back!We continue as Kathi and Michele share more on the eight habits, attitudes, and behaviors that can kill a ministry.Today we continue with the next six in the list of ministry killers. From victimization to the comparison trap, Michele and Kathi dive in...
Aug 12, 2019 | Audience, Author Tips, Business, Communicator Academy, Comparison, Leadership, Platform, Podcast, Social Media, Speaker Tips
Welcome!Kathi and Michele share eight habits, attitudes, and behaviors that can kill a ministry.We all have done these at some point in time. Michele and Kathi share this list to help us stay on top of in order to avoid these pitfalls. In this first episode, learn how...
May 27, 2019 | Business, Communicator Academy, Comparison, Events, Leadership, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Story
Communicator Academy podcast is partnering with two sponsors today who help encourage and equip women in leadership!MOPS is committed to provide opportunities for women to learn, lead and do things that push women out of their comfort zones in all the best ways. No...
Oct 29, 2018 | Communicator Academy, Comparison, Podcast
Have you ever tried to challenge yourself to see how much you can get done in 15 minutes? Or tried to multitask while waiting for your coffee to heat up in the microwave? I bet you have! Last week Kathi and Michele talked about obstacles that interfere with...