Feb 22, 2018 | Audience, Criticism, Platform
She hated us. After the workshop Kathi and I co-presented, more than one hundred feedback forms had been turned in on the spot. 97% of the attendees loved our content, loved our takeaways, loved us. Ahhhh … so much fun! A few shared some concerns about whether or not...
Jan 24, 2018 | Criticism, Overwhelmed, Pursuing Your Dreams
A communicator’s work can be rewarding and exhausting, fulfilling and demoralizing, full of accolades or the hollow sound of silence. There are times I sit in front of my screen thinking: No one is going to read this. Why write? I recently heard this from my pastor...
Oct 16, 2017 | Criticism, Personal Life, Podcast
Listen In Do you feel under-supported or defensive about your speaking or writing ministry by people you love? Does your spouse struggle to understand your ministry or fight envy regarding your ministry? This episode was made for you! Hosts Michele Cushatt and Kathi...
Feb 1, 2017 | Criticism, Leadership
My husband and I have been in ministry for all of our 25 years of marriage. Although I came from non-Christian home, my husband, Scott is the product of a pastor and marriage and family counselor. I entered ministry with idealistic (and let’s face it, unrealistic)...
Oct 5, 2016 | Blogging, Criticism
In my early years as a speaker, I passed out a simple speaker evaluation form to all audience members after each message, asking them to rate my content, preparedness, delivery, etc. Those evaluation forms almost caused me to quit my speaking ministry. Not the forms...
Sep 26, 2016 | Criticism, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams
Listen In Have you ever questioned your calling or asked the question, “who am I”? In this valuable podcast, author and speaker, Renee Swope tackles self-doubt and criticism and how to listen instead to the voice of God. She identifies criticism,...