Feb 1, 2017 | Criticism, Leadership
My husband and I have been in ministry for all of our 25 years of marriage. Although I came from non-Christian home, my husband, Scott is the product of a pastor and marriage and family counselor. I entered ministry with idealistic (and let’s face it, unrealistic)...
Jan 16, 2017 | Leadership, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams
Listen In In the second part of this series, Kathi and Michele dig into more of their great resources for having the right people on your team to keep things moving forward in your business. This episode is full of practical information for when to hire someone, what...
Jan 9, 2017 | Leadership, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams
Listen In In this valuable two-part episode, authors and speakers, Kathi Lipp and Michele Cushatt, both discuss the need for a team and provide various ways to gather such support on a shoestring budget. Building a business can be tough and having the right people on...
Jan 2, 2017 | Leadership, Overwhelmed, Podcast, Speaker Tips
Listen In In this episode, Leverage Conference coach, writer and speaker Cheri Gregory, joins hosts Kathi Lipp and Michelle Cushatt to offer solutions for the speaker and/or author who feels overwhelmed by the demands of life, family and ministry. You do not want to...
Dec 1, 2016 | Blog, Leadership
Leading others means you have a heart for others to find grace, hope and the strength to grow and bloom. When we examine why we speak, write and lead, it generally boils down to three things. This is what we want everyone who ever hears us speak or reads our words to...
Oct 10, 2016 | Leadership, Podcast
Listen In Whether you’re a speaker, a writer, or just in business for yourself, knowing how to lead yourself is a vital part of your success… and sanity. Michele Cushatt and Kathi Lipp discuss the key factors in knowing who you are, how to lead yourself...