Nov 14, 2017 | Business, Personal Life
As we near the end of the year, many people begin to think about to-do lists for the early part of the next year. Often, these thoughts will include preparing for taxes. If you’re starting to see some growth in your speaking or writing business, you might be wondering...
Nov 1, 2017 | Personal Life
Did you know your brain is hardwired to highlight and hold on to negativity? Yep. Fun news, huh? Negativity Bias It’s called negativity bias, and it serves a scientific purpose, by helping us identify potentially harmful situations quickly. It kept your...
Oct 16, 2017 | Criticism, Personal Life, Podcast
Listen In Do you feel under-supported or defensive about your speaking or writing ministry by people you love? Does your spouse struggle to understand your ministry or fight envy regarding your ministry? This episode was made for you! Hosts Michele Cushatt and Kathi...