Jan 4, 2018 | Author Tips, Pursuing Your Dreams, Writing
by Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent If you’re hoping to get published, you’ll want to prepare a book proposal before you send out your query letters. That way, it will be ready to send immediately when an agent or editor asks for it. There are several great books...
Dec 6, 2017 | Pursuing Your Dreams, Speaker Tips
Big events used to sound so glamorous. I imagined how much fun it would be… …speaking to hundreds of audience members. …setting up a beautiful booth in the exhibit hall. …selling and autographing books. …snapping selfies with adoring fans. Then came MOMcon 2017, where...
Nov 27, 2017 | Business, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams
Listen In It’s part 2 of our series of using alternative stream of income to help grow your ministry (aka, help feed your kids before you’re super famous). In this episode, hosts Kathi Lipp and Michele Cushatt continue there candid conversation on...
Nov 20, 2017 | Business, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams
Listen In Do you desire to grow your ministry? Are you ready to infuse life, resources and support for your ministry through a part-time job? In this episode, hosts Kathi Lipp and Michele Cushatt provide candid perspectives on full-time writing and speaking and ways...
Jul 19, 2017 | Pursuing Your Dreams
Leading retreats has been a passion of mine since my junior year in high school. At 16, I became a member of our school’s campus ministry team. As a team, we were responsible for putting together retreats for each grade. I loved helping lead the retreats in high...
Jun 26, 2017 | Author Tips, Leadership, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Recommendations, Writing
Listen In When God calls us, we can get sidetracked by our insecurities. Worse yet, we try to placate our insecurities with busyness. In this podcast, Kathi Lipp and Glynnis Whitwer guide us into recovery for the writer and speaker in the public eye. Getting down to...