Sep 21, 2020 | Communicator Academy, Podcast
Listen In Kathi Lipp and Kelly Wilbanks are continuing the conversation on how to create a killer newsletter. In the first week we talked about why we should have a newsletter. The second week all things newsletter content were discussed. Now, Kathi and Kelly show us...
Sep 14, 2020 | Communicator Academy, Podcast
Listen In Kathi Lipp is back for the second episode of the Creating Killer Newsletter series with her newsletter editor Kelly Wilbanks. Last week they talked about Why Even Have a Newsletter. Today, they continue the discussion with the components of a great...
Sep 7, 2020 | Communicator Academy, Podcast
Listen In Have you been wondering if having a newsletter is a worthwhile investment? Do you want to spice up your existing newsletter or start one to engage more with your readers? Great! Kathi Lipp and Kelly Wilbanks are here kicking off this great series about...
Aug 31, 2020 | Communicator Academy, Leadership, Podcast
Listen In Have you considered inviting valuable insight and influence into your life through having a mentor, but aren’t sure how to get started or find the right person? Kathi Lipp and Heather Adams are with us today talking all things mentor-ship. Join the...
Aug 24, 2020 | Communicator Academy, Podcast, Writing
Listen In Today we are finishing our super fun series about how to work with an editor. Kathi Lipp and her two experts, Mick Silva and Lyneta Smith are wrapping up the series today with the inside scoop on how to get noticed by an acquisitions editor. The series...